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Mobile Phones and Smart Watches

Mobile Phones and Smart Watches

Mobile phone and smart watch technology has advanced significantly over the last few years and continues to evolve. Many phones and smart watches now offer internet access, alongside standard functions of messaging, camera, video and sound recording.

Smartwatches are therefore not permitted to be worn to school, as staff are unable to monitor them closely enough to ensure they are being used appropriately. However, in line with our passion for helping children to tell the time, a standard analogue or digital wrist watch may be worn. If you are unsure whether your child’s watch is appropriate, please speak to the office or a member of staff.

Mobile phones are only allowed to be brought in by pupils in Year 6 for safety reasons if they are travelling to and from school alone. It is a requirement at Abbey Lane that all other year groups are collected from school by a responsible adult (or family member who is at least 16 years old). The need for a child of these ages to make telephone contact after school will therefore not arise.

Year 6 children:

It is important that any parents allowing a phone to be brought into school are fully aware of how they will be looked after and any consequences that will be imposed in the event of misuse.

  • Phones are to be switched off before they are on school grounds
  • Phones are to be handed into the class teacher at the beginning of the day. They will be secured in a locked cupboard/drawer and then returned at the end of the day in class.
  • The taking of photographs and video footage using a camera phone is strictly prohibited.
  • Any children found to have taken photographs/videos will be asked to delete the photos in the presence of a member of the senior leadership team.
  • Under no circumstances will pupils be allowed to take mobile phones on school trips.


If any children are found to have made an infringement of any of the above expectations, the following restrictions may be put in place:

  • The school reserves the right to hold on to the phone and ask the parents/carer to collect from the school instead of it being handed back to the Y6 child.
  • For serious incidents the school may withdraw the agreement to allow the child to bring the mobile phone into school.

We ask that parents talk to their children about the inappropriate use of messages sent by mobile phone, as they can often be used to upset, intimidate or bully other pupils. This may be via text messaging, via apps such as WhatsApp and Messenger, and through online gaming devices.

When it is deemed appropriate – particularly when it affects other pupils or staff members or the normal functioning of school – the school will apply the behaviour policy in relation to inappropriate use of mobile phones outside of school.

Please note that the school cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to any personal items brought to school and this includes phones and watches.


Contact Us

Abbey Lane Primary School, Sheffield, S8 0BN

0114 274 5054